Author Archives: Belinda Wasser

Time for a Clean Sweep (of your business!)

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This past Friday my daughter Emily and I moved into a fabulous apartment in the Coolidge Corner area of Brookline. It’s bright and sunny, and walking distance to everything I can think of. We already love it. A couple of months ago, and about 30 seconds after I decided that we were moving, both Emily and I began to excitedly clean out our stuff.

Before an hour had passed, the Whole Foods grocery bags were lining the foyer, filled with clothes that no longer fit, books that we no longer wanted and things we never used.

The amount that we pulled out in such a short amount of time was surprising, especially since we had just moved fairly recently. I actually thought we were already pretty lean, but by the time we were finished we had filled up a Suburban-not once, but twice.

There are many benefits to keeping life clutter-free besides having less stuff to load on the truck if you decide to move. It frees up space, it reduces time spent looking for the things that you actually use, and it offers an opportunity to donate to others in need.

But it’s not just in our personal lives that clutter gets in the way and grows on its own. I’ve managed the relocation of several businesses and I know from experience that the same human tendencies to hold on to things “just in case” applies to the office as well as the home.

The good news? You don’t need to move to declutter. Just take a look through these areas:

  • Old equipment – Old printers, unused computers, fax machines that aren’t even plugged in… we’ve all had them. Get rid of them. They’re dusty, stuck under desks or in closets, taking up space and making your office unattractive. These days it’s easy to recycle them. Just go to the website for your city or town and, in most instances, you can fill out a form online and leave this junk on the curb for pickup.
  • Old paper – This comes in many forms, including old business cards, letterhead with the old logo and outdated marketing materials. It feels like a waste to get rid of them…they were so expensive. But it’s time. Recycle them or use them for scrap paper.Next, open your filing cabinets and take a look around for old brochures, files you never reference and receipts that you no longer need. If you have a lot and it needs to be shredded, call Iron Mountain and they’ll pick it up and shred it for you. It’s worth the investment.
  • Old supplies – Open your supply cabinet and go through your desk drawers. I imagine you’ll find cartridges for printers you no longer own, disks for software you no longer use, and other types of outdated junk. Throw. It. Away.

Remember, there’s a cost to the clutter and junk in your office that goes beyond wasted space. These unnecessary things sap your energy and slow you down. Give your business a boost by making a clean sweep today!

Things I Can’t Live Without: My Bowling Shoes

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Bowling Shoes
Like most people, I never thought I would own my own bowling shoes. But when I saw these beauties, I couldn’t resist. They’ve taken my bowling to an entirely new level of coolness.

I feel so great when I wear them that my score has already gone up by more than 30 percent. Now that’s a bargain.

Get your own pair here.