Author Archives: Belinda Wasser

Rocket Launch! – The Animal Helpers

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If you know my daughter Emily, then you know that she’s a BIG (HUGE) animal lover. One of her favorite things to do is visit the local MSPCA, Angell Animal Medical Center in Jamaica Plain, to hang out with the cats and the bunnies and the birds and the mice and…Emily at the MSPCA

Well, several months ago she told me that she wanted to raise money for these animals. We thought about what to do and came up with the idea of a web site.

Her brand new site is called The Animal Helpers . Emily did all the writing and posing with her furry friends while mom did the coding.

I would love it if you could take a look at her new creation and, if the spirit moves you, make a donation!

Thank you from me, Emily and our furry friends!

Things I Can’t Live Without: Country Music

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Country Music  

Ever since I went to college in Fort Worth, Texas, I’ve loved country music. In fact, I just can’t get enough. I know all the words and, even though I can’t carry a tune, I sing along with gusto.

Whether I’m listening to Pandora stations on my iPhone or WKLB in my car, I find that it calms me down and lifts my spirits no matter what.

As business owners it’s important to find something that gives us a mood-lifting break during the day.

P.S. Don’t forget to watch the Country Music Awards tonight with me!