Who’s On Your Dream Team?

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This morning I woke up with a terrible toothache. The whole lower right side of my inside gum was red and puffy. Not a great thing to happen on any day – but the day you’re leaving for a road trip to Kentucky that you’ve planned since December (including very expensive non-refundable tickets to a big horse show and a tour of Secretariat’s home) is enough to stop almost anyone in their tracks.

I made my way out to the kitchen, gave Greg the news and he immediately said, “Call Dr. Stebbins.” He glanced at the clock and said they were open.

I called right away, explained the situation and the receptionist asked if I could come at 9:00 AM. I was in and out of the office in 45 minutes (following a little “procedure”), a prescription for antibiotics in my hand. He was so efficient that I didn’t even have to miss my pre-vacation pedicure (you know these are a vacation requirement, right?).

Dentistry is just one area where I rely on a bunch of amazing professionals. Together, they help things go smoothly and effortlessly (and often, painlessly).

Here’s who’s on my dream team:

1. Michael Katz, of Blue Penguin Development who helps me with the words I need to successfully articulate my message. My website, my newsletters, my emails, my presentations … if it involves words, he’s touched it.

2. Mark Tatro, my amazingly talented graphic designer. For almost eight years now, Mark has produced beautiful, sophisticated and elegant graphics for RocketGirl and for all of my clients. Websites, business cards, ads, logos, anything that needs to have a special touch and a thoughtful eye.

3. Barry Shuchter is the best web developer I’ve ever met. I’ve worked with Barry for almost eight years too. I’ve come to appreciate the thoughtfulness that Barry puts into every interaction, every solution, and every piece of code. He helps me provide my clients with stable platforms for their websites so we can meet their business goals. He’s there when I need him and has never let me down.

4. Lisa Corrado, my amazing accountability coach who facilitates the mastermind group that I’m a member of. Our group is comprised of five entrepreneurial women who spend two hours, twice a month, plotting next steps for our businesses, working out issues in our path, and generally planning world domination.

5. Ellen Mullen, owner of GoodFit Darien, who keeps me strong and fit with fabulous workouts in her stunning studio. After an hour with Ellen I feel like the smartest woman on the planet for working hard and keeping myself in shape.

There are others on the professional team too. Plus my friends, Greg, and Emily, for sure. They keep me on my path and help me achieve my dreams and goals. I’d be lost without them.

Who’s on your team? Take time to fill in the holes now (you never know when that next toothache is coming!).

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